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Latest Site Update 4/7/2009

Japanese Page

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Welcome to BEFiS website.
These pages are dedicated to bringing you
the latest updates of the software made by BEFiS.


NewsLatest News
ForumPlease scribble down your comments about the site.
GiftThe works received from friends are decorated.
This gallery includes some adult graphics.
If you are under age, do not look in any gallery.
DownloadSome programs and games We have made.
Hall of FameThey are the data which we investigated.
It is glad if a help can be given.
GameDatebases, Reviews & Hints.
There are no commercial ROMs hosted here.
CgVarious drawings, sketches, and computer-created art...

Do you like our site? Then please Link Me! If you would like us to link to you then just send us a email. Banner copyright (c) NAONORI, T.Mamiya, K.Mogami